Oh, the web.
Or, the whale.
Dance like a jackrabbit
on the dune grass.
Listen for sparrows singing fever, fever in the night.
Remember the salmon,
and the blood of the maple.
Sing of me
sweet and smoky like
old endearments and familiar scents.

A cowbird chick in a warblers nest.
Life pouring from a wound in your belly..
or your heart,
will make you a woman with her guts loose in her hand.
Remember I wanted you.
I fought you…
for you
I hung on.

The life you gave me beats still
under the waning moon.
I touch your warm back sleeping next to me
like a child.
This woman screamed and the universe answered.
As button is pushed, so the world burns.
Though you cannot imagine how I long to save you.

I am your poet.


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